Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Xanana the traitor?
Don't just accept one side of an event and think it's the absolute truth but there must questions when you feel that there was some element of missing facts about that event.
Let me ask you some questions. Hw did the indonesian military knew about Daitula's exact hidden place?..After 21 years never captured by Indonesian army, how can TNI knew with so much details about the position of David Daitula at that time and easily launching an ambush to capture and kill him the following day?...
Bear in mind that some attacks launched by Daitula against BRIMOB (Indo.Police) and TNI, some months before his killing, were never agreed by Xanana Gusmao. Daitula was heavily criticed by Gusmao and even Horta at that year. Daitula was even considered the hardliner among FALINTIL's commanders.Though the fact that he was vice chief staff of FALINTIL.
About Mauhudu I probably would not say that Xanana has a role in his murder but I would say that Xanana excessive illogical reconciliation strategy with TNI generals which tend to make all Timorese people to experience absolute amnesia about TL history of massacre and crimes, which created by him just to please those criminals TNI generals, will certainly a main factor that hurt, discomfort and create a sense of denial to justice for all the victims of indonesian military crimes. In this case, it includes Mauhudu's family which dream for justice to prevails. Xanana failed them by his reconciliation without justice and reconciliation to forget the past. Who are the winners for this absolute ridiculous reconciliation shit**?? Of course they are those criminals; TNI generals warmly hugged and kissed by Xanana Gusmao, the Nobel Peace Prize dreamer.
My friend, we timorese shall not think that Xanana is uncriticiseable or he is the God himself. I tell you he is just an ordinary Timor citizen trusted by timorese people to lead them. So as a member of timorese society I have all my rights to critice him and demand for his responsability and responses to many questions about the suspected and unnormal deaths of many FALINTIL commanders under his leadership.
Xanana himself criticed Nicolau Lobato about many Falintil commanders' death under Nicolau's leadership. So why not shall we now question Xanana about treasons commited by some pro-independence elements, close to Xanana at that time, on the deaths of Daitula David Alex, Pedro Nunes Sabalae and his assistant, and sudden death of Konis Santana who told to be sick but in fact was known to be healty before his death. You don't believe me, just ask Somoco, the East Timor actual vice interior minister.
Many and many FALINTIL and clandestine commanders were traited just because they are to tough on their principles about how to fight against Indonesian occupation.
There was a treason on the death of a resistance commander chief of CLFC and his assistant, involving some elements in clandestine movement associated with David Ximenes which obviously responsible directly to Xanana Gusmao at that time. For this Xanana must be held accountable and to respond to questions arrised by the families of these individuals.
Thank you Ze Luis....
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ze Luis <ze.zeus07@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 26, 2007 7:28 PM
To: frenterevolucionaria@gmail.com
Ne'e Frente Revulusionariu ka Frete Reaksionariu! Etiketa la iha,
promove lia bosok no isultus hanesan imi nia patraun.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Abilio Mausoko sei fó depoimentu iha dia 5 de Juñu

Tuir isuisu ne’ebé la’o iha Dili laran ne’e, Abílio Mausoko (Abílio Warga ka Abílio Mesquita) sei fó ninia depoimentu ba iha tribunál iha dia 5 de Juñu (lee ninia istória iha ne'e). Saida maka sei mosu iha ne’ebá? Ita hein…
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Senñór Prezidente RDTL, José Ramos-Horta, Ó bá ne’ebé agora?
Foin daudauk Timor-Leste komemora ninia aniversáriu ba dala lima Loron Restaurasaun ba Independénsia nian. Iha loron ne'e prezidente foun mós simu ninia pose hodi komesa mandatu foun. Timor-Leste nia prezidente foun maka Dr. José Manuél Ramos-Horta, premiadu ho Nobel da Paz no mós diplomata ho rekonhesimentu iha mundu tomak.
Parese problema imediatu ida ba Prezidente Ramos-Horta atu rezolve maka kestaun ex-majór no ex-komandante Polísia Militár, Alfredo Reinado nian. Molok Prezidente Ramos-Horta simu ninia mandatu foun ne'e, ita hotu haree hanesan kestaun Alfredo nian nee atu hetan daudauk ona rezolusaun. Ex-ministru interior Sr. Rogerio Lobato hetan prizaun to'o tinan hitu tanba ninia envolvimentu iha atividade fahe-kilat iha tinan kotuk. Rona ida ne'e, Sr. Alfredo Reinado mós hatán katak nia sei tun mai Dili hodi hola parte iha justisa. Hafoin ISF sira ba ataka Sr. Alfredo ho ninia elementu sira iha Same, nune'e mós iha nafatin sinál pozitivu katak Sr. Alfredo hakarak halo diálogu. Igreja Katólika tau nia an hanesan mediadór ne'ebé Sr. Prezidente Ramos-Horta ho Sr. Alfredo mós simu. Ita bele dehan mós katak maioria elite polítika Timor nian mós simu ho inisiativa ida ne'e. Durante kampaña eleitorál Prezidente Ramos-Horta halo mós promesa barak. Ninia promesa ida maka oinsá nia sei rezolve kazu petisionáriu ho kazu Sr. Alfredo Reinado nian.
Ikus-ikus ne'e parese Sr. Alfredo nega filafali ninia promesa dala ida tan. Mezmu ho mediasaun igreja Katólika nian. Foin daudauk Sr. Alfredo hatete katak nia sei la kumpre ho inisiativa ne'ebé maka hala'o ona ho igreja nia mediasaun ( haree iha ne'e). To'o pontu ida ne'e ita bele dehan katak ita la hatene loos Sr. Alfredo ninia hakarak loos ne'e saida?
Sr. Alfredo nia ezisténsia iha justisa nia liur aprezenta prigu boot ida ba estabilidade Timor-Leste nian hanesan nasaun independente ida. Se Sr. Alfredo kontinua halai nafatin hosi autoridade governu nian, nia sei kontinua hala'o ninia atividade ne'ebé undermine autoridade Estadu nian. Povu hateke ba Estadu hanesan garantór ba sira nia seguransa pesoál no garantór ba estabilidade sosiál ho polítika. Bainhira povu hetan persepsaun katak Estadu ne'e fraku no laiha ona kbiit atu fó protesaun ba sira, povu sei lakon sira nia konfiansa no buka alternativa seluk atu hetan protesaun ne'e. Estadu ne'e iha perigu atu lakon ninia lejitimidade iha povu nia matan se Estadu ne'e husik Sr. Alfredo halai hosi justisa no autoridade Estadu nian ne'ebé hetan lejitimidade hosi povu tuir eleisaun demokrátika. Sr. Alfredo laiha lejitimidade no nia laiha kbiik nein uitoan atu fó protesaun ho seguransa ne'ebé só Estadu ida maka bele fó. Estadu ho povu iha perigu ida nia laran atu monu ba situasaun vacuum power. Saida maka Sr. Prezidente Ramos-Horta tenke halo agora?
Problema Sr. Alfredo Reinado nian tuir loloos iha tiha ona ninia solusaun iha tinan kotuk karik polítiku balubalu la aproveita ho ninia dezersaun hodi halo polítika ba sira nia interese rasik. Bainhira Sr. Alfredo husik tiha ninia kadeia komandu militár, polítiku na'in sira hanesan Sr. Prezidente Ramos-Horta ho agora ex-prezidente Sr. Xanana Gusmão hatudu momoos hela sira nia apoiu polítiku ba asaun Sr. Alfredo nian. Envézde buka maneira hodi izola kedan Sr. Alfredo atu nune'e nia labele hetan tan apoiu hosi seksaun sosiál seluk, Sr. Horta ho Sr. Xanana sé fali liman ba Sr. Alfredo hodi fó fali lejitimidade ba asaun ne'ebé nia halo. Iha rai-seluk, asaun Sr. Alfredo nian ne'e ema konsidera hanesan grave tebetebes. Rai balun nia kastigu ba asaun sira hanesan Sr. Alfredo nian ne'e maka kastigu to'o mate.
Maibé ho lejitimidade ne'ebé maka Sr. Alfredo hetan liu hosi asaun Sr. Horta ho Sr. Xanana nian, ohin loron Sr. Alfredo konsege konsolida ninia ajenda iha povu ki'ik nia leet. Povu komesa haree daudauk ba Sr. Alfredo hanesan alternativa ba Estadu, Estadu ne'ebé soberanu ho podér hosi povu maibé laiha pozisaun firme ka bele impoin ninia autoridade hanesan estipula iha Constituição da República. Iha naran nasaun modernu no demokrátiku ida, Estadu mesak maka órgaun ida lejítimu liu hodi reprezenta povu. Bainhira povu lakon ona fiar ba Estadu ne'e, Estadu ne'e monu no sai Estadu falhadu. Iha rai barak, eventu ida hanesan ne'e sempre tuir kedan ho eventu sira seluk hanesan revolusaun, ditadura, gera sivíl, etc. Ninia konsekuénsia aat tebes. Ema rihun ba rihun maka sei mate. Rai barak iha Áfrika ho Sudueste Ázia nian maka sai ona exemplu ba mundu tomak haree. Sr. Horta ho Sr. Xanana tenke haree katak Sr. Alfredo ninia ajenda la'ós atu mantén Estadu ida iha ninia fatin, maibé atu hamonu Estadu ida. Timor-Leste oan sira hala'o rezisténsia hasoru Indonézia iha tinan 25 nia laran hodi harii Estadu ida la'ós atu hetan kaos ho anarkia, ne'ebé no podér polítiku só hetan de'it liu hosi forsa kilat nian.
Maibé, dalaruma ita bele argumenta katak Sr. Horta ho Sr. Xanana lakohi hola medidas ne'ebé drástiku tanba bele hamonu rai ne'e ba krize ida boot liután karik? Tan ne'e maka sira sente di'ak liu hamaus de'it Sr. Alfredo duké halo nia laran sai nakali liután no provoka krize ida boot liu fali. Keta ba Sr. Horta ho Sr. Xanana, di'ak liu ema na'in 30 resin de'it maka mate duké ema rihun resin? Talvés Sr. Xanana hakarak evita ema mate tan hanesan violénsia iha post-referendum 1999 nian? Bele hanesan ne'e mós agora oinsá? Se Sr. Alfredo lakohi submete nia an ba autoridade Estadu nian, oinsá maka Sr. Prezidente responde ba buat ida ne'e? Karik Sr. Prezidente Ramos-Horta sente katak Sr. Alfredo nia lejitimidade ho Estadu nia lejitimidade iha nivel ida hanesan? Se nune'e karik, ita hotu ba eleisaun hodi hili Sr. Prezidente Ramos-Horta hodi halo saida?