Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Xanana the traitor?

David Alex was obviously killed in a gun battle with TNI but it's not the battle that is a problem here, the question is how did the enemy know about the whereabout of David Alex Daitula, if there was any treason who did it and for what purpose.

Don't just accept one side of an event and think it's the absolute truth but there must questions when you feel that there was some element of missing facts about that event.

Let me ask you some questions. Hw did the indonesian military knew about Daitula's exact hidden place?..After 21 years never captured by Indonesian army, how can TNI knew with so much details about the position of David Daitula at that time and easily launching an ambush to capture and kill him the following day?...

Bear in mind that some attacks launched by Daitula against BRIMOB (Indo.Police) and TNI, some months before his killing, were never agreed by Xanana Gusmao. Daitula was heavily criticed by Gusmao and even Horta at that year. Daitula was even considered the hardliner among FALINTIL's commanders.Though the fact that he was vice chief staff of FALINTIL.

About Mauhudu I probably would not say that Xanana has a role in his murder but I would say that Xanana excessive illogical reconciliation strategy with TNI generals which tend to make all Timorese people to experience absolute amnesia about TL history of massacre and crimes, which created by him just to please those criminals TNI generals, will certainly a main factor that hurt, discomfort and create a sense of denial to justice for all the victims of indonesian military crimes. In this case, it includes Mauhudu's family which dream for justice to prevails. Xanana failed them by his reconciliation without justice and reconciliation to forget the past. Who are the winners for this absolute ridiculous reconciliation shit**?? Of course they are those criminals; TNI generals warmly hugged and kissed by Xanana Gusmao, the Nobel Peace Prize dreamer.

My friend, we timorese shall not think that Xanana is uncriticiseable or he is the God himself. I tell you he is just an ordinary Timor citizen trusted by timorese people to lead them. So as a member of timorese society I have all my rights to critice him and demand for his responsability and responses to many questions about the suspected and unnormal deaths of many FALINTIL commanders under his leadership.

Xanana himself criticed Nicolau Lobato about many Falintil commanders' death under Nicolau's leadership. So why not shall we now question Xanana about treasons commited by some pro-independence elements, close to Xanana at that time, on the deaths of Daitula David Alex, Pedro Nunes Sabalae and his assistant, and sudden death of Konis Santana who told to be sick but in fact was known to be healty before his death. You don't believe me, just ask Somoco, the East Timor actual vice interior minister.

Many and many FALINTIL and clandestine commanders were traited just because they are to tough on their principles about how to fight against Indonesian occupation.

There was a treason on the death of a resistance commander chief of CLFC and his assistant, involving some elements in clandestine movement associated with David Ximenes which obviously responsible directly to Xanana Gusmao at that time. For this Xanana must be held accountable and to respond to questions arrised by the families of these individuals.

Dear Timor Oan,

As a Timorese, I agreed that we should not hesitate to criticize Xanana if he committed to an error. In the case of David Alex, I would like to say that he died as a man, who fought till the last drop of his blood for our beloved country. If during the Indonesian days, we were so proud of him, and even his death, it was glorious moment for us which means that nobody would let Timor to be owned by others!

Now, after the independence, we start to blame our leaders to have killed each other then I guess the glorious moment we had and what we proud for was not valuable! We disrespect the death of David Alex, or at least decrease the value of his death. Why? Because it is now clear to the world, and to our enemy that David was not a hero, he wasn't killed by his enemy, but was by his fellow brother, Timorese! Does it sound a proud thing? I don't think so.

If Timor oan has any concrete fact, witnesses, proofs, I think you should go ahead and send Xanana to justice for what he has done, for the crime he committed. If it could help heal the wounds of the family of those heroes you mentioned.

I remember those who were actively in contact with David Alex. Some of them are now at the parliament, as member of parliament. If you talk to Norberto Esperito Santo and Paulo Asis Belo, they will explain to you details of the death of David Alex. If you assume that there was an insider who had leaked the information to the enemy, they should know who the insider was.

Xanana disagree with David's action, but it shall not be taken as a conclusion that he did order the enemy to kill David. The international community put pressure on Timor at that time to commit to as less violence as possible to gain their support, which was essential for our struggle. I am not saying that Xanana is an innocent person, but it need deep investigation before we blame him to have killed David, Koni, and the other heroes. We should only talk base on fact, not an assumption.

Geta Lolo!
This is all bullshit. This blog is run by bullshit artists who have been instructed by Fretilin's central committee to spread as many lies and rumours as possible in a attempt to discredit Xanana which is obviously its biggest threat.

Whatever their claims there is never any hard evidence to to back it up. They are just conspiracy theories designed as part of a smear campaign.

What really amazes me is that these people have not yet realized that their efforts and lies are just not believed by the people that really matter. The Timorese people.

We just have to look back at the presidential election to realize that the people have completely REJECTED Fretilin and I strongly suspect they are going to REJECT Fretilin again in the upcoming parliamentary elections
verdade ou nao o tempo dira. sira mate, mate nudar heroi. sira sei la mate saugati, sira nia isin sei sai rai-rahun, anin hu semo nafatin iha crocodilo nia kulit, fo iss ba nia hodi moris. se karik ema ruma halo injustica, lafahek nia kulit ne sei maran deit. quando nia kulit maran, lafahek ne sei sai mesak mai hodi halo justica hodi husu "se maka halo hau nia kulit ne sai maran?"
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