Monday, June 18, 2007

STL and the former pro-Indonesia elite

STL or Suara Timor Lorosa'e is a newspaper full of crap reflecting the intellectual capacity of its chief editors, Salvador Ximenes, Domingos Saldanha, et al. Ximenes and Saldanha are former autonomy supporters. Under Indonesia, they established this newspaper under the name Suara Timor Timur with the support of the Indonesian military. Suara Timor Timur became the Indonesian army's tool to propagate its propaganda and intimidate the East Timorese to submit to Indonesian rule.


STL has small column which it calls "Lidun" (corner in English). Lidun acts like an editorial piece quoting its subjects and then provides a short answer to it. The answers are meant to be provocative and carry a point. However, the fact is that these answers always fall into the absurd. Anyone will notice that this "corner" just reflects the intellectual deficit of the editorial team at STL.


Thus STL's "Lidun" on page 5 in its June 15th edition says:


55-Lebo denied intimidating the population in Gleno.

Why are Gleno residents taking refuge in the Borja Park, Motael?


(In Tetun: 55-Lebo dismente intimida populasaun Gleno. Tanbasa populasaun Gleno refujia mai Jardim Borja Motael?)


Then on page 6 STL reports that "Ermera refugees are growing in the Borza [sic] Park, Motael". The report cites the refugees, 81 of them, as saying that they had been forced to take refuge in Dili after coming under attack from the group Colimau 2000 and other groups belonging to the opposition parties. Some of them testified that their attackers yelled "Viva Ramos-Horta" as they launched their assault while others said that they were taken as prisoners for days. These refugees identify themselves as members and sympathisers of FRETILIN and have been under pressure to give up their support for Fretilin. They came from the villages of Lisapat and Urahou, areas known as Fretilin stronghold, in Ermera.


Colimau 2000 is a shadowy group based in the Maliana-Atsabe regions with suspected links to the former pro-Indonesia militia groups in West Timor. This group has caused much violence in and around the same region. A few years ago Colimau 2000 attacked villagers around Hatolia area. This event prompted the newly independent Timor-Leste government to deploy F-FDTL around the area and tens of members of Colimau 2000 were arrested and handed over to police (see the UNMISET press release at However in April of 2006 this group came to prominence again. It is believed that Colimau 2000 high jacked the peaceful rally organised by the "Petitioners" group and kicked the wider conflict which nearly brought Timor-Leste to a civil war. Interestingly enough Colimau 2000 has since organised itself into a political party called PDRT (Partidu Democratica Republica de Timor) and will contest in the upcoming elections.


Reports of other attacks against supposed Fretilin supporters have also increased ever since the result for the presidential run-off was announced. Fretilin supporters in the districts of Liquiça, Oécusse and Ermera came under regular attacks by supporters of Partido Democratico (PD), Xanana's CNRT and a breakaway faction of Fretilin called "Mudansa". These attacks are well documented with the perpetrators well identified. However nothing has been put in place to stop the attacks or have the perpetrators arrested and bring them before a court.


55-Lebo is a group composed of former resistance fighters accused of being part of the group armed by the Fretilin government to act as its death squad to eliminate its political opponents. They are said to be hardcore Fretilin militants. There have accusations against them that they were terrorising the Ermera population to force them to vote Fretilin. It is a fact however that this group is linked to Fretilin and was organising Fretilin's campaign in Ermera area.


The Borja Park in Motael is the actual Jardim Borja da Costa, a park next to the Motael Church compound. There are already a lot of IDPs taking shelter at the church compound. The political-military crisis that occurred last year also pitted the "lorosa'e" against the "loromonu". The "lorosa'e" people were said to be politically aligned to Fretilin. They were also accused of collaborating with the F-FDTL to attack the "loromonu" people and drive them out of Dili. As it turned out, when the ISF was deployed in Dili and the F-FDTL retreated, the "loromonu" people gained upper hand and drove the "lorosa'e" residents of Dili out of their homes and into IDP camps. So, many of the IDP camp residents are "lorosae" and are commonly acknowledged as supporters of Fretilin. It would make anyone believe that these "lorosa'e" people would still hold some kind of resentment against the "loromonu" people after last year's conflict. After all it was them who drove the "lorosa'e" people out of their homes. But the situations around the camps have been peaceful. In fact there is mutual acceptance among the IDPs, after all they all sympathise with Fretilin.


By following the above information and then correlate it to the news as reported by STL on its page 6 would lead anyone to conclude that the Gleno refugees have nothing to do with the 55-Lebo group. The 55-Lebo group is in fact aligned to these refugees politically as all of them are linked to Fretilin. The refugees have been driven out of their homes in Ermera by groups opposed to Fretilin, namely Colimau 2000/PDRT and even members of PD and CNRT. It wouldn't make sense that the 55-Lebo group would be attacking some of its own.


However the STL editorial appears to suggest that somehow 55-Lebo is the principle cause of the refugees' displacement. It quotes the 55-Lebo as denying any intimidation from their part on the Gleno population then it asks the question as to why there are refugees from Gleno present in Dili. This rhetorical question puts the responsibility on the 55-Lebo group and ultimately to Fretilin; that 55-Lebo denies having being involved in any acts of intimidation yet the fact that there are refugees in Dili proves the opposite. In addition the report on the Ermera refugees is buried on page 6 in amongst other unrelated news reports. Anyone interested in politics and security, particularly on this issue, will have difficulty in noticing this article.


But STL is not only known for its incompetence and complete lack of professionalism. It is also known as a politically tendentious paper, specially its stance against Fretilin. It has been touted as the media wing for Fretilin's opponents much like the role of the private media in Venezuela in conjunction with the opposition groups in their crusade to overthrow President Hugo Chaves. This latest editorial by STL follows a steady stream of negative and often inflammatory articles and editorials against Fretilin. STL's articles and editorials are not only politically tendentious, but they are also marred with inaccuracies, inventions, rumours and gossips. This editorial piece is in fact attempting to accuse Fretilin and its members for what it is clearly a victim of. Members of Fretilin are attacked and groups linked to Fretilin are put on the spot to forcibly accept responsibility. Even when members of Fretilin are attacked, Fretilin is still accused as the attacker. STL knows that to make such direct link is next to impossible because no reader would believe in it. So STL puts out the tendentious editorial while buries the actual news somewhere in the middle of the page. Usually when Fretilin is accused of any type of attack, the report is revealed on the first page taking the most prominent headline.


It is obvious that STL's objective is not that of journalism and least of all to contribute to the development of democracy in Timor-Leste. Its ultimate objective is part of a wider agenda sponsored by the former pro-Indonesia East Timorese elites, be they in Timor-Leste or in Indonesia, to sabotage Timor-Leste move towards a successful and independent State. The fact that STL is run part of this self-serving elite is not a peculiarity but it fits perfectly well into this piece of conspiracy. If one takes a more profound look into the way STL has made its various reports in the past, there is a correlation between the eruption of conflicts and STL reports. This is no coincidence as the inflammatory, error-ridden and inaccurate reports that STL often put out became the focus for the eruption of new conflicts. For these former pro-Indonesia elites, destruction of Fretilin is also a goal in itself. If Fretilin is discredited and eliminated from the East Timorese politics, then the whole independence movement is also discredited and history can be rewritten to vindicate the self-serving pro-integration movement.


STL is obviously not an independent media institution but an organisation with a political agenda. It is not contributing to public information and development of democracy in Timor-Leste. In fact its whole existence and operation is designed to prevent Timor-Leste from developing into a nation truly democratic and independent. Its links to the former pro-Indonesia elites is a testament that the struggle for a truly independent, stable and viable Timor-Leste is far from over. Fretilin has been the only political organisation capable of defending the East Timorese right to independence and is steadfast on defending this right at any cost. Fretilin is a threat to people like Ximenes and Saldanha. However the results of the upcoming elections will be seen by these former pro-Indonesia elites as a victory, though a small one. A failed-state is their ultimate goal. STL should be placed under constant surveillance for the coming years.

Opozisaun Nia Bosok
Fretilin Nia Faktus

Fretilin La Tau Matan Ba Veteranus?
Partidu opozisaun liu-liu CNRT durante kampanha nia laran fo sai katak Governu Fretilin la tau matan ba veteranus sira. Maibe realidade hatudu oin seluk, iha tinan 2005 Parlamentu Nasional aprova lei veteranus nian no Xanana Gusmao mak xefia komisaun tolu. Komisaun tolu ne’ebe sei foti dadus no rezultadu hosi akolhamentu dadus ne’e sei fo ba governu atu governu halo planu no hahu fo asistensia ba veteranus, maibe, Xanana Gusmao ne’ebe xefia komisaun ne’e la hatama dadus ba governu tamba Xanana Gusmao rasik iha planu seluk.

Iha krize nia laran derepenti deit Presidenti Xanana Gusmao iha tiha “dadus kompletu” no hahu kedas fo kondekorosaun ba funu nain sira. Bainhira Lian Maubere intervista Sekretariu Jeral Fretilin Mari Alkatiri hateten:”Problema veteranus nudar problema estadu nian laos grupu ida nian tamba presiza dadus atu halo planu ida diak atu ajuda veteranus sira. Presidenti da Republika nunka fo dadus no budu tiha dadus hirak ne’e. Too ikus mak hau hatene katak ita hakarak halo jogada foer ida. Ita presiza iha honestidade ba asuntu ne’e.”

Maski nune’e Governu Fretilin kontinua nafatin fo tulun liu hosi fundu solidariedade atu fo asistensia ba veteranus.

Ema hotu presiza hatene katak veteranus ne’e mai hosi Fretilin, se laiha Fretilin laiha veteranus. Partidu ne’ebe hatene liu veteranus mak Fretilin no Fretilin mak sei fo atensaun boot ba veteranus sira, laos partidu seluk. Atu iha planu diak presiza iha dadus se laiha dadus ita sei halo buat hotu naran-naran deit.

Governu Fretilin Koruptu?
Partidu opozisaun hotu-hotu durante nia komisiu hateten katak governu ne’e nakonu ho korupsaun. Governu ne’e rasik nia politika mak toleransia zero ba korupsaun. Tamba ne’e, Fretilin harii inspektor jeral atu tau matan ba asuntu ne’e. Desde kedas Matebian Mariano Lopes da Cruz too agora Inspektor jeral foun Manuel Bucar hatama tiha ona keisa barak ba prokuradoria maibe too agora Prokurador Jeral Longuinhos Monteiro rasik la prosesa indikasaun korupsaun ne’e ba tribunal.

Tamba sa Prokurador Jeral la prosesu kazu hirak ne’e ba Tribunal? Tamba Prokurador Jeral rasik mos iha kazu kona ba korupsaun. Faktus seluk mos hatudu katak iha osan hamutuk US $ 28.000 ne’ebe lakon iha gabinete Presidenti da Republika. Kazu ne’e derepenti prokurador taka tiha deit tamba Presidenti Xanana Gusmao rasik mak hasai osan hosi nia bolso no troka fila fali osan ne’ebe lakon. Pratika ne’e hatudu katak Xanana Gusmao laos rezolve korupsaun maibe husik korupsaun buras nafatin. Politika rekonsiliasaun ne’ebe la ho justisa ka haluha deit pasadu no haree ba oin ne’e mak aplika mos ba pratika korupsaun.

Governu Fretilin La Halo Buat Ida?
Partidu opozisaun hotu-hotu fo sai katak governu Fretilin la halo buat ida durante tinan 5 nia laran. Se Fretilin la halo buat ida karik oinsa nasaun ne’e bele lao nafatin too agora. Intervista ne’ebe foin lalais ne’e Lian Maubere halo ho Sekretariu Jeral da Fretilin Mari Alkatiri iha nia residensia hateten katak partidu opozisaun liu hosi dalan ne’e deit mak bele manan povu nia votos. Partidu opozisaun sira hanesan taka matan tiha ba buat hirak ne’ebe governu halo durante tinan 5 nia laran. Mari Alkatiri hateten: “Se mak harii eskola liu 800 (atus ualo), se mak harii hospital, sentru saude besik 60, se mak hadia luron sira ne’e, agora iha 51 % populasaun Timor iha asesu ba be mos kompara ho uluk iha tinan 2002 ne’ebe iha deit 17%, opozisaun sira nia ba eskola iha ne’ebe? Se mak selu profesores besik 8000 (rihun ualo), se laos Fretilin, iha buat barak tan. Se mak haruka ema liu rihun ida ba estranzeiru atu estuda? Se mak halo fundu petroleum se laos Fretilin?”

Xanana Gusmao Sei Troka Lei Bainhira Manan?
Xanana Gusmao nudar Presidenti da Republika durante tinan 5 nia laran, Presidenti mak iha poder atu promulga lei ne’ebe Parlamentu Nasional aprova agora tamba sa mak dehan atu troka fali lei. Entaun, durante ne’e Xanana Gusmao nunka le lei hirak ne’e no promulga deit. Bainhira sai tiha hosi Presidenti da Republika mak nia foin le’e lei hirak ne’e. Ida ne’e hatudu katak Xanana Gusmao laiha konseitu kona ba estadu.

Opozisaun Sei Hadia no Loke Luron Iha Timor Leste Tomak?
Atu manan povu nia votus partidu opozisaun sira fo promesa katak se karik manan sira sei loke no hadia luron hotu iha Timor Leste tomak. Iha intervista ne’ebe Lian Maubere halo ho Sekretariu Jeral Mari Alkatiri hateten katak se karik, partidu politika hirak ne’e mak manan duni, ita nia osan iha fundu mina rai sei hotu kedas iha tinan ida nia laran. Osan ne’e sei ba luron deit la too ona sa tan ba sira seluk.

Tuir estudu ne’ebe Governu Fretilin halo tiha ona katak atu hadia no loke luron iha Timor Leste tomak ita presiza osan hamutuk liu biliaun 2 (rua) Dolares Amerikanu. Tinan-tinan osan ne’ebe tama hamutuk mai fundu petroleum mak liu biliaun 1 (ida) Dolares Amerikanu. Ba luron deit la too ona sa tan sira seluk. Hosi ne’e ita bele haree katak opozisaun laiha planu ba dezenvolvimentu, sira iha mak promesa deit sa tan ita koalia kona esperiensia atu ukun?

Partidu CNRT Mak Liberta Povu?
Durante kampanha CNRT dala barak koalia katak CNRT mak liberta povu, hanesan ita haree spanduk CNRT iha dalan-dalan ne’ebe hateten Libertada A Pátria, Libertemos O Povo. Sekretariu Jeral Mari Alkatiri hateten ba Lian Maubere katak partidu CNRT laos CNRT uluk. CNRT nudar politika unidade nasional ne’ebe mai hosi Fretilin desde CRRN-CNRM no ikus mai iha 1998 hamosu CNRT atu hamutuk kontra okupasaun Indonesia. Partidu CNRT ne’ebe foin moris iha 2007 ne’e laos atu hametin unidade nasional maibe atu sobu unidade nasional. Oinsa partidu CNRT ne’ebe nakonu ho otonomista sira mak dehan fali liberta rai ne’e?

Hili CNRT Hanesan Hili Fretilin?
Grupu ilegal ne’ebe hanaran an Fretilin Mudansa iha komisiu CNRT hateten katak hili CNRT hanesan hili Fretilin. Sekretariu Jeral Fretilin Mari Alaktiri hateten ba Lian Maubere katak grupu ilegal ne’e lakon tiha ona iha kongresu Fretilin iha Maiu 2006, lakon iha tribunal rekursu, tamba laiha dala seluk agora sira tabele ho Xanana Gusmao atu sobu Fretilin. CNRT partidu ketak ida no Fretilin partidu ketak ida. Oinsa dehan fali hili CNRT hanesn hili Fretilin? Ne’e parte hosi stratezia boot atu sobu Fretilin.
Fretilin bele koalia barak, bele halo kampaina to'o ne'ebe deit, bele diskredita Xanana to'o ne'ebe deit mos povo agora matan moos tiha ona. Povo hare buat barak ona durante tinan lima nia laran. Povo hare tiha ona Fretilin halo luron husi Distritu ba sub-distritu, no husi sub-distritu ba suku sira. Povo hare tiha ona governo Fretilin kria kampu trabalho ba joven sira. Povo hare tiha ona iha fatin-fatin ema hotu iha asesu ba be, povo hare tiha ona Eletrisade 24/7.

Veterano sira moris diak tiha ona, ida-idak iha uma, iha tiha ona kunhesimentu ekonomia husi Governu. Ne'e duni povo sei vota ba Fretilin, ida ne'e lalika duvida tan, tamba ne'e Fretilin lalika perokupa ho CNRT ka opozisaun sira. So Fretilin deit mak bele halo dezenvolvimentu, so Fretilin deit mak iha nia rekursu humanu, husi Ministro sira tuun to'o ba chefe suku sira mesak ema ho kapasidade diak deit. Uniku Fretilin mak bele iha administrador sub-distritu ne'ebe iha qualidade, laos hatene futu manu deit, hanesa opozisaun sira nian. CNRT sei lakon tamba durante kamapaina ne'e ninia masssa laiha, ema ba la liu atus 5, Fretilin nia kampaina ema barak, rihun ba'e duni Fretilin sei manan...

Kala nune duni. Loloos povo tomak 100% kontenti ho Mari Al katiri ho nia grupu hosi maputu liuliu Rogerio Lobato. Povo tomak moris diak, buat ida la falta CNRT mak estraga fali.

Povo hatene katak Mari mak diakliu hotuhotu. Sira seluk mesak kaixa-kaixote kaixaun, sarjana supermi, fuuk naruk lafase nebe hakarak estraga deit rai Timor.

Povo hatene ona katak tinan 24 nia laran Mari hanoin kedas oinsa halo povu labele hamlaha tan. Tanba nee mak nia hakiak manu no kuelhu iha maputu hodi lori hikas ba Timor fahe ba povu atu povu labele hamlaha tan enkuantu Xanana no kaixa-kaixote kaixaun no fuuk naruk lafase sira halimar deit cowboy ho kilat brinkedu iha ai laran.

Fretilin kala manan tiha ona eleisaun ho maoria absoluta...90% resin seguru onaaaa.

Hein tan uitoan ita sei haree akontese hanesan hau hateten nee.

Kuitadu! Kuitadu loos.

Fretilin nia iis besik kotu ona. Hela deit loron 3 nee.

Lei amnistia mos PR Ramos Horta seidauk promulga no Rogerio sei la sai hosi hotel Bekora.

Lakleur nia sei hirus no sei konta istoria kona-ba fahe kilat no se mak fo ordem.

Lakleur tan hotel Becora sei nakonu liu ho Rogerio nia kolega sira pa!
You write very well.
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