Saturday, March 17, 2007

Who I will vote for...

1st - Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo

Married with children (picture). First wife died while fighting the Indonesian army. An independence hero and a living legend. Spent 24 years in the resistance fighting Indonesian army. Wife is from Atauro and will make a good Timorese First Lady. Lu Olo's children are welbehaved bunch of kids, too.

2nd - Avelino Coelho

Red wine loving pseudo-Marxist, ex-seminarian, Fidel Castro wanabe who is married to an Indonesian. Spent many years in Austrian embassy after unsucessfully tried to seek assylum. There is no way that Timor should have an Indonesian first lady. Spent many years organising resistance in Indonesia with his socialist faction within Fretilin.

3rd - Francisco Xavier do Amaral

He has chronic heart disease, Parkinson's disease as well as suffering the effects of old age. He has long been separated from his wife and has no children. If he became president, he'd probably last only a couple of weeks. But, again I wouldn't like to see this dellusional feudalist bring back to life his feudal lifestyle to the highest post in Timor-Leste's state, thank you. No first lady. Spent the occupation years in Indonesia as a gardener for an Indonesian general. To be fair, it was Indonesia's way of humilliating Timor-Leste's nationalism by putting its first president to do someone's garden.

4th - Manuel Tilman (left)

Divorced from his Portuguese wife a long, long time ago. Once sought Indonesian citizenship through the help of Suharto's daughter, Siti Hardyanti Rukhmana who he developped a business partnership to import Portuguese made goods to Indonesia. Apparently he had been offered a much younger woman selected by his family through traditional means. Will not have a first lady. Spent the occupation period in Macau and Portugal.

5th - Lucia Lobato (far right, with blue suit)

Her claim to fame is her masculine looks and her unshaven legs. She is unnmarried, probably will stay that way for obvious reasons. Will have no first gentleman. Spent many years in Indonesia as a student of some sort. Has a masters degree from some university in Indonesia.

6th - Jose Ramos-Horta

Martini drinking French speaking swinger and self-styled not so-cosmopolitan diplomat who wants to be a New Yorker but is condemned to spending the rest of his sexually-active life in a third world country with not too many people to hit on. Divorced from his wife a long time ago and has a son who is luckier than the father for not having a permanent address in Dili. Officially single but swings around with a special preference for young women and men. Spent the occupation years living in Mozambique.

7th - João Carrascalão

Married to José Ramos-Horta's sister. Children are not in Timor nor do they have any plans to live in Timor. Has accute heart problem. I would vote for him because he has a good sense of humour and is a good drinking buddy. Spent the period of Indonesian occupation outside of Timor.

8th - Fernando de Araújo Lasama

Fernando who? Right. The one married to that Filipina rumour monger. Seriously. An Australian first lady has given Timor its enough share of headache. But now a Phillipina? God help Timor! Spent many years in Indonesia as president of RENETIL, Timorese student underground group. He was imprisoned with PR Xanana. Never finished his studies.

First lady material?

The first lady Timor
had to have.

My vote goes to Lu Olo!

Highly insulting, but still very funny nevertheless. Reality is Lu'Olo is the only clean skin and best candidate.
Lasama is going to be another Xanana. President husband is controlled by first lady wife who is an agent working to pursue the interests of their native country. For Siapno, it is the USA.
Yes, first entry funny; a grain of truth too, methinks (very odd commentary on Lucia Lobato). Enjoyed the entry on Joao Carrascalao.

More importantly, I think the general anti-Australian tenor of some of the posts and comments on this site seem unbalanced. I can't see whose long-term interest they really serve. It doesn't make good political sense to take short-term postures which might damage long-term relationships. By all means be critical of the Australian government - the more the better as far as I am concerned - but please don't include all Australians in this. It is not in the long term interest of a close relationship between our two peoples.

I am also a critic of Ms Sword-Gusmao - but it has nothing to do with her being Australian. I don't always agree with her views, don't always respect her judgement and I think she sometimes oversteps the mark of propriety in the delicate position she is in (an outsider married to the President in a time of great sensitivity).

But, whatever her faults, I have no doubt about her commitment to a safe, stable, independent, democratic future for T-L. To say that she is working for the interest of her native country (against T-L) is simply nonsense. If you really believe that, you have been badly mislead by someone or simply deluding yourself. You only discredit yourself by saying it.

Aussie Timorphile
um blog dos desesperados!! viva lasama!!
um anonimo Lasamista desesperado. Viva Democracia!
My goodness, if you are so anti-Philippines, why do you have a heading in Filipino instead of Tetum?

Lucky Lu-Olo for not getting captured by the Indonesians - most people weren't so lucky.

Perhaps Maputo group is now a misnomer - it ought to be called the Matebian group, as clearly those who were stuck in exile in Mozambique aren't good enough!
Lu´Olo seems to be a very good horse for Marí Alkatiri to ride it whenever and whenever he wants to. This country and people will be driven to hell. Lu´Olo is good to lead a guerilla. Please stop with this stupid campaign.
Old generation had proven to be only good to guerrillea fighters, but not good in leading a government. Old generation only produces gays like Manuel Tilman, Ramos Horta, Olimpio Branco, but not good in leading the guys to lead the government.

It is not time to ask the old generation to rest and let the government to the hands of the young generation like Avelino Coelho or Lasama.

First ladies do not count so much, exept Xanana (hal man half ---).

Let's young generation support either Avelino Coelho, Lasama or Lucia Lobato. All these three candidates are good. Avelino is good in idealism, Lasama is Good in Leadership, Lucia Lobato is A Law Master degree from the Surabaya National University.

Long Live - Young generation.
Avelino is so idealistic that the wanna be "Che" is even more radical than his idol.

Lasama of PD shows the lack of good in incompetent leadership amongst incompetents.

Lucia is a Master of not knowing the law. She should get a PHD in the philosophy of being clueless.
Lasama of is Goog in Leadership hahahhahhahha hahahhahah ahahhahhshsss shihihii hshahhah hihihisihihahhaha ahahhahhhahaha****** this has got to be the funniest thing I heard so far!!!
That's right, keep blaming the issues in Timor on people from other nations. After all, we're all over here for the cheap tomatoes, trying to make the big bucks and don't forget the wonderful nightlife! A lot of internationals have left already, keep pushing and maybe we'll all go!!!
Then what???
You talk as though we're the ones burning houses and throwing rocks. It's about time the Timorese took a long hard look at themselves. Point your finger at internationals and you have three fingers pointing back at you!
Anonymous 8:26

How about you move to Zimbabwe and teach them Democracy...hehehehe
Funny thing is, I can't help noticing from the language and writing style on this site, that the most vocal haters of Australia etc are probably actually people holding duel citizenship with australia and maybe timor Leste if they have bothered to get a passport. Twerps who wouldn't last a second in a Timorese village.


Duelling Citizens!
I love the idea of 'duel citizenship' with Australia and Timor-Leste. This is the funniest blog I have read for a long time, although the tendencies to sexism and racism in the main blog make me a bit uneasy.
My dear citizens of the Sunrise Country...My vote goes to Joao Carrascalao! Viva Joao Carrascalao!!!
timor oan,

why don't you show us your good looks and your knua timor pedigree?

i wouldn't be surprised if you were a self-hating filipino drag queen in love with a fretilin cc member
Anon 10:27 pm. Perhaps a typo, but one thing is for sure. In Angola Lobato had Jewell citizenship!
Vote for Joao is ok as long as you dont waste your vote on Lasama.
Photo ida ikus nee oin hanesan fali mane ida. Iha fatin... nunee mak ita iha presidente banana ida durante tinan lima nia laran, tamba nia fen mak manda!!
1st hanesan dono lolos...o luta nain ida ba hamutuk fali ema oportunista sira nebe tempo ocupasaun ba goja tiha iha rai liur...mai manda o pa.....

agora nudar Pres.Parlamento deit sei foti liman deit sa tan atu sai PR ne mehi ida que susar oituan ba camarada Lu...

luta nain ida nebe uluk luta atu liberta povo ida ne husi ocupasaun mas agora o la berani f suspensaun ba Rogerio....tamba ne mak o sei la foti liman hanesan agora dadaun iha parlamento ne....

o nia historia mos hotu ona....tamba imi mak hamutuk fahe kilat ba railos ho nia membru sira atu ema opocisaun sira....

cuitado liu ba membru CCF la iha halo campanha presidente ho fali kareta oituan pa....

2nd...Avelino o merece sai PR mas laos agora....mas ba periodo tuir mai.....

3rd.....Xavier merece duni sai PR mas katuas tiha ona....


5th...Lucia ba periodo tuir mai karik......

6th...horta.... merece para sai PR ba RDTL.... mos la bele ona....

8th...lasama si joven liu ba cargo PR pa....
Joao Carrascalao fahe rebusadus/dosi ba labarik sira nebe seidauk tinan too atu vota. Nia agora lao ho aitonka ida, nia dehan tanba nia lao aldeia ba aldeia nunee dunik nia ain kanek. Nee hatu katak nia foi dala uluk mak ba aldeia ida. Coitado, kasian, campanha seidauk hotu mos KO tia ona!
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