Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Aspiring Feudalist.


At least Lasama is the son of real Timorese people.

On the other hand Mari Alkatiri is of pure arab descent and there are plenty of photos of him just like this one.

An arab king in the land of the catholic Timorese? Hummm...
This show that people loves Lasama, and not Alkatiri or Lu-Olo....So far I have seen three people that really gain people's heart, Don Carlos, Xanana, and now Lasama....

Only illiterates, ignorants, uninformed rural dwellers, the Mauberes, fall for this type of exploitation. The ammount of "love" they show Lasama is directly proportional to the ammount of lies Lasama has fed them. Poor Maubere! You will forever be slaves of your own brothers!
This last anonymous is just a clear example of Fretilin's exploitation of the "Maubere".

When it needs the "Maubere" vote to put them in power the "maubere" is something to be proud of. When the "Maubere" supports other political parties the word "Maubere" gets a new meaning altogether and I quote "illiterates, ignorants, uninformed rural dwellers, the Mauberes,..."

We always knew that the use of the "Maubere" word was just out of political convenience for "Mauberes" and "Buiberes" like Mari Alkatiri and Ana Pessoa to forward their interests and ambitions but now we have them here speak out what they really think of the "Poor Maubere!".

Very revealing... I just wish all the "Mauberes" out there could access the internet...
ne balun2 hare mos triste tan membru CFF.....dehan atu ukun too tinan 100 mas mas ida ne mehi deit..... e balun diak liu fo han manu no coelho deit na......
lasama nia oin hanesan los malae ho bapa sira uluk sama timor ne. jaito pa.
Sabino dihan Lasama ne maubere original. hmmmm...... Lasama nia naran agora naran Sama'Deit karik?
CNRT Xananista = Caralho Naokten Rabo da saia Timorense.
i have a hunch Lu Olo may win the election. thousands and thousands of people went to the fretilin rally in maliana according to a friend of mine who sent me an sms. my friend said it is incredible the show of support people in bobonaro give to luolo and fretlin. i hope the opposition is ready to accept the results of the election whatever they may be. i hope also fretilin learned its lessons that they should not create enemies unnecessarily. they should try to include and communicate with as many people as possible. i hope people make their right and best choice when they go to the polls. i do share with every east timorese for a viva timor leste!
Hei Lasama..... tun hodi Sama Rai
O....nudar kandidatu ida kontente los povo la iha.

Sure Fretilin can still mobilise thousands but so can the other parties. It would be unreasonable to think otherwise.
The opposition candidates have also shown that they can mobilise thousands of people in their rallies.

The question really is whether Luolo can get the the same percentages fretilin got in 2001 to give him an outright victory in the first round.

Fretilin's support base seems to be visibly down from the kind of levels we all saw in 2001.

If Luolo goes to the second round he will certainly loose no doubts about that. This is because the votes from other candidates will most certainly go to whoever will be running against him.

Simple logic.
yeah. lasama can mobilise "thousands" of people like he did in 2006 to topple the government, which he failed.
foto ne iha PD nia website official!!!


atu hit povo ka atu sama povo???

Lasama ka Samadeit???
"yeah. lasama can mobilise "thousands" of people like he did in 2006 to topple the government, which he failed."

Wasn't the government technically toppled? Or is the current government still the 1st Constitutional government?

By the way lets not forget the 200.000 Mari said he could bring to Dili to support him...or the 50-60.000 people Luolo said could enter Dili at any given time to stop Mari being forced out...or the 15-30.000 people Jose Reis said were in Metinaro about to enter Dili do demand that Alkatiri be restituted as PM...

We never saw any near those numbers. What we saw were 4000 people coming in with flyers saying viva fretilin, viva Mari and lets's not forget Viva Xanana as well...
Amazing wasn't it. I bet Mari was not very happy with that.
yeah but still those pro fretilin rally were much bigger than the violent protesters brought down by PD and friends to cause much violence in Dili. fretilin's rally was much more peaceful and disciplined. i was there and i was on top of the palacio taking pictures. i saw a multitude of people around the palacio which ecclipse the "rallies" organised by PD's nino pereira and the fretilin mudansa group and rui lopes and friends. the concentration of people in hera and metinaro was a large one. i'd say the number swelled over the 20,000. the ISF made it very difficult for the protesters to come to dili by putting up a search that lasted hours on end. by the end of the day only a fraction of the protesters were allowed in. and when the protesters entered dili they were pelted with rocks and ambon arrows. still they didn't react. whereas the rallie organised by PD and the church and the others brought people from colimau 2000 and other ex-militia members from suai. these were very violent people. not only did they attack people, they also took the opportunity to sack homes taking everything with them. fretilin held its rally in maliana today and the turn out was overwhelming. in every corner fretilin's rally went, the welcome party always ecclipses those shown for lasama and others. i would think that with alkatiri and luolo being so unpopular, there would have been a linch mob instead of supporters. so far the biggest rally lasama could muster is around 3000 and this took place in suai where a lot of militia members and other indonesia sympathisers still live. but be that as it may, election is coming soon. we will wait and see the results.
Fretilin is the biggest party in TL, but also the most coward party. Fretilin break the code of conduct for campaign. Fretilin is identical to violence, terror, intimidation, threat, it is just like Indonesian's GOLKAR!

But still, I wish Fretilin and Lu-Olo to win the election, otherwise they will cause troubles in TL. Fretilin is hungry for power, It could do anything to get Power in its hands. Distributing arms, drafting law to benefit them, terrorizing other candidates, etc.

Fretilin is big coward giant!! But to win the election, Fretilin has to work hard. Lu-Olo will be the president of TL, only if he got 50%+1 votes out of total voters in the first round. If there is, by accident, that another election has to be conducted for the second round, then Lu-Olo and Fretilin has to forget the dream to gain presidential and parliamentary power.

Hei Fretilin! Democracy is to have free and fair competition, not intimidation and terror!

Geta Lolo!
Lasama ne maubere asli laos arabe nia oan asli hanesan alkatiri....maske balun dehan la sama nia oin hanesan bapa sira mas seidauk fahe kilat ba civil sira atu oho tan membru CCF balun atu tur tan iha becora.....partido Fretilin ne partido criminouzo...partidu terorista nian....nebe hakarak estraga timor....

Fretilin ne hanesan loja ida karik hein para taka deit ona tamba la serve liu atu ukun timor...
I am from the United Kingdom. I lived in Timor from 1999 - 2003. This website is just a bunch of smear campaign nonsense. It is a mixture of fact, fiction, rumor and lies. I would advise anyone who reads it to check the internet for more impartial sources. All parties are at fault, as is the international community. Something the blogger here is probably aware of but chooses to ignore. He/she should be more responsible, but from previous posts I highly doubt it. If the blogger would be more transparent I would be and engage in an open or private debate. NUMBEI.
I was at the FRETILIN protest in Hera in June 2006. 185 trucks (counted them), and on average 20 people per truck ( i counted them) and the whole paid for by Jose Reis. I watch him pay the truck drivers. Do the math. That equals 3700 people. More than PD yes. But alot less than 20 000. Please deal in facts. GHOST
Geta Lolo! Free and Fair and without intimidation and terror.

I agree. We have forgotten the fact that FRETILIN militants homes and property were destroyed, the question is who are the real terrorist and who are the real victims, go asked the IDP's?

I am also from Eastern district, my nick name is Geta Lolo (Makasae), means 'Speak Out'.

Not all IDPs are Fretilin, do not identified the IDPs as Fretilin, and do not politicize IDPs! I know that Fretilin militants are launching propaganda in IDP camps, blaming Xanana for causing this crisis. Fretilin is using IDPs as their hardliner supporter, but believe me, not all of IDPs are Fretilin!

I lived in Becora, and my house was also burnt. Since the F-FDTL members declared their petition to the public, I have predicted that if the sovereign organs ignored the issue (petition), big problem would appear. And in fact it did happen! Why East-West problem became bigger?? Government did not want to intervene because Alkatiri did not get the petition? Because the petition was not Parliament's competency? And that with the advise from Roque Rodrigues (Defense Minister), Ruak decided to dismiss the 600 petitioners without consulting it with the supreme commander, Xanana. Shall we also consider these facts?

The statement from the President was not wise either, but I beg you not to think that Alkatiri did good job to prevent the crisis. What was Lu-Olo saying regarding the petitioners? He said the petitioners case is fully competency of government. What was government said? Government won't intervene since the petition was not sent to PM's desk! What a shame?

Plus, you should remember that in the moment where people have not much hope for life, looting was probably one of the solution to fulfill daily needs. It happens everywhere, Indonesia, Europe or wherever! I condemned those who looted other people's good, but I don't blame them!

People from West looted our goods, but we looted their lives, our F-FDTL killed 9 unarmed policeman, most of them from West! Please consider that too.

Fretilin isn't growing, still the same as it was, as 'usual' using violence to achieve their goals!

Geta Lolo.
nice comment geta lolo... sira mak fahe ita halo LS-LM

CNRT = Create New Rumours in Timor

hahahaaha I like that!!! Or as we say in Lequidoe, CNRT = Creação de Novos Rumores em Timor!!! This one also works. Which is just people in this party did. Some of them were the ones who approached the F-FDTL secior officer to launch a coup. Their time is counting. Others launched the rumours that F-FDTL killed 100 in Taci Tolo. Others said that Taur said if "they" want war we will give them war. Others say Fretilin paid hundreds of dollars to pay delegates at Congress '06 to buy votes. Still others came up with the absurd proposition that Loromonu districts included Manatuto, whereas in fact Manatuto is part of Lorosae. It is indeed a party of rumours. Have fun.
I just came back from Zumalai. Xanana + Ramos-Horta + Catholic Church + PD/PSD/ASDT/Rui Lopes/Nemencio de Carvalho/US/Australia/UNDERTIM/Mudanca + Alfredo Reinado



Geta Lo,

The Petitioner issue is very odd. The issue arose in January 2006 where every effort was made to accommodate their needs.

One of their grievances was that the Los Palos barracks was far to travel to the western districts. This coincided with issues of discipline with soldiers leaving barracks and returning beyond the allotted return time. The FFDTL moved quickly to rectify this and accelerated the rehabilitation of the strategically important Baucau barracks, which also decreased their travel time.

Second was the issue of promotion. This is a contentious assertion as statistics showed that soldiers from western districts in fact promoted into official roles. This included Alfredo who has never had any previous army experience.

Another controversial issue was that more eastern soldiers were chosen to attend military training abroad. FFDTL records show contrary to this assertion as more western soldiers were in fact were the beneficiaries of study tours again included Alfredo who participated in training in Australia.

Salsinha and Tilman have dubious backgrounds. Salsinha has had issues with illegal sandalwood trading which is prohibited in Timor Leste. Tilman has issues with accountability to some FFDTL spending.

All attempts at dialogue failed because the Petitioners were not willing to participate in any dialogue, so things kept on dragging. After constant indiscipline by the petitioners with many leaving and entering the barracks as they chose it made it difficult for the FFDTL itself not to dispel them.

Even when the Petitioners protested in April it was odd that a commission which they asked for was organised and they did not accept it. The rest is history.

One thing I remember was Xanana was asked about the Petitioner issue when he returned from an overseas visit that he bluntly replied I am not the only Polititian in Timor. This was before everything got out of hand or did people want things to get out of hand. Such is hyprocy.
No wonder Timor Leste does not get anywhere! I just saw the photo and my question is: Who is this Dickhead being carried away by other dickheads? Can't the bastard walk?
Ze Cinico
From Timor Online

The UN’s ‘neutral’ mouthpiece in East Timor

A prominent United Nations functionary in Timor Leste is covertly organising support for Jose Ramos Horta in the run-up to the presidential election.

UNMIT spokesperson Alison Cooper was overheard in a Darwin restaurant encouraging Horta’s former media officer Julian Swinstead to return to Dili to “help with Jose’s campaign”.

Swinstead told his fellow Australian that the pay wasn’t good enough to get him back to Dili.

The conversation occurred on Saturday morning 24 March at the Roma Bar in Cavenagh St.

Cooper’s indiscretion raises questions about the supposed neutrality of some UNMIT staff in Timor Leste and their relationship to the clique of Australian operatives who have attached themselves to the Horta camp.

Cooper is a former Darwin journalist and Swinstead is a former managing editor of Darwin’s Northern Territory News. He was later appointed public relations officer for the Territory’s right-wing Country Liberal Party.

Australian Liberal Party president Shane Stone, a confidant of Prime Minister John Howard, recruited Swinstead to the Horta cause.

It was an Australian business associate of Horta’s, Wayne Thomas, who asked Stone to find a media officer for Horta. Thomas and Horta jointly own a motor boat now beached in Dili and Thomas owns a tourist resort in Lospalos.

Swinstead’s pay packet was the subject of a row last year between Australian Ambassador to Timor Leste and former intelligence officer, Margaret Twomey, and the Dili office of Ausaid, the Australian government’s overseas aid arm.

Local Ausaid people were incensed by Twomey’s strenuous efforts to have Ausaid foot the bill for Swinstead as part of Australia’s ‘aid’ effort in Timor Leste.

(fonte Timor-Online)
I am very surprised to see this photo of La Sama. This is a sight that shows how he does not respect hi so much "POVO KIK". Reminds me of photos of last century slaves carrying their masters . Reminds me of photos from Thayland and China. I PAID a cent you carry me. It's taken away the human dignity of Timorese people....
RAmos Horta, um oportunista que é, o Ramos Horta está a ver o terreno a perder.

Foi um extraordinário embaixador aquando ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros. Talves tenha melhor no inicio do que no fim do posto. É alguém que não escolhe meios para chegar ao fim.
Um ambicioso nato e um campeão oportunista!

Basta ver o que fez : Campanha em Oe-Cussi é amanhã. O safado ás caladas alugou o unico meio de transporte publico ( unico barco) todo só para ele para ir a Oe-Cussi. Levando no barco talvez um numero elevado de passageiros para fazer a sua campanha e poder dizer que teve muita gente.... Fez essa malandrisse porque tem dinheiro e pode faze-lo. Os outros candidatos quando foram organizar a sua viagem foi-lhes dito que o senhor Horta tinha o alugado o barco todo so para ele. O referido barco é do governo!!!!

Falta de ética!!! Senhor HORTA!!!

Os outros candidtos irão de helicoptero da ONU, com duas ou três pessoas e mesmo assim não está garantido....

De quem é a culpa ? Da Comissão eleitoral?


Do Governo por permitirtal trafulhisse ?

O intencão por aqilo que vejo nos programas era para os candidatos viajarem juntos no barco para a campanha em Oe-Cussi.

Por aqui podemos ver como o resultado pode já estar encomendado!

Quanto á campanha pois devo dizer que quem conseguiu juntar o maior numero de população em MANATUTO foi o João Carrascalão e não o La Sama ( este foi o segundo).

Em Maliana foi o Joao Carrascalao com cerca de 19 mil pessoas. Em Liquiçá também foi Carrascalao quem conseguiu juntar mais de seis mil pessoas. Começou o seu discurso em Lingua Tokodede ( Lingua de Liquiçá) facto que tocou no coracão do povo TOKODEDE . Tembem em Suai Carrascalao Atraiu mais povo.
Comessema ler a Agencia ANTARA e REUTERS ai vêm a boa cobertura da campanha .

Nao sei o que é que a LUSA está fazer em Timor? Nao fala da campanha dos que na realidade estão a ter grande apoio da população!

Fiico bastante apreendido quando tento ver as noticias nos meios de comunicaçåno tradicionalmente bons, e neste momento estao a fazer um trabalho péssimo em termos da cobertura da campanha. A Lusa só fala do Horta e Lu Olo,ontem la apareceu uma noticiazita sobre o La Sama, "too litle to short and too late" . Os outros "chapéu" se calhar porque não andam com a NOTA....

Manecas (de Fatu Hada)
To Anonymous,

Regarding the petitioners,

Now it seems that the issue was so simple, so simple till non of the competent sovereign organs in TL could solve it.

As far as I remember, the commission you meant was established at the very end day of the protest when things were already out of control! Once the government noticed that the protest could turn into violence, Antoninho Bianco declared that the government was willing to solve the problem as the petition was already delivered on the desk of the PM! What bother me was that the government as 'usual' take initiative to intervene when things seems uncontrolled!

I followed the 'story' of the petitioners. There was once published on our local newspapers that there was an idea of recruiting the petitioners to join special police. Ruak raised the issue and Lobato gave prompt reply and deny the 'rumor' that the petitioners would join special police. I guess Ruak knows something behind the petitioners, therefore he raised the issue. But it was just a rumor so I don't want to get into details.

I remembered that the petitioner were sacked while Xanana was visiting overseas. Ruak declared that even the PR (Supreme Commander!) could not changed his decision, and Mari Alkatiri happily supported Ruak's decision and even said that the government won't pay the petitioners starting from the dismissal date!

What surprise me was that when the petitioners were planning to hold a protest, Alkatiri then declared that the government would continue to pay the salary of the petitioners. Alkatiri or the government did not have clear position regarding the petitioners.
Xanana returned from overseas visit and found that the petitioners were already sacked, and to avoid any ope confrontation with Ruak or F-FDTL, he declared that the decision was wrong, but he agreed! He knows who was behind the decision, the government of course!

My conclusion, the government, which was 'Fretilin' tried to dominate F-FDTL and PNTL so that they could rule for 100 years. This could be wrong conclusion, but this is what some people are thinking.

Geta Lolo!
Horta’s diplomatic protege accused of sexual harassment

CAPTION: East Timor’s first Ambassador to Australia, Jorge da Conceição Teme, front row third from left, after presenting credentials in Canberra in May 2003. The principal spokesperson for “Fretilin Mudanca,” or Fretilin Reform, which is supporting Jose Ramos Horta in his country’s presidential election, has been accused in the Federal Magistrates Court, Darwin, of sexual harassment

Darwin, April 2: East Timor’s first ambassador to Australia and principal spokesperson for “Fretilin Mudanca,” or Fretilin Reform, which is supporting Jose Ramos Horta in his country’s presidential election, Jorge Da Conceicao Teme, has been accused of sexual harassment by a young woman who worked at Dili’s embassy in Canberra.
The complaint by Margarida de Araujo — an Australian of Timorese desHorta’s diplomatic protege accused of sexual harassmentcent who is in her 20s and is now believed to live in Brisbane — was originally to have been heard by Federal Court Magistrate Stewart Brown in Darwin on July 5 last year but after two adjournments has now been
scheduled for a decision on May 23, 2007.
Margarida de Araujo is reported to have been an administrative assistant at the East Timor embassy in Canberra in either 2004 or 2005 when Teme was ambassador and Jose Ramos Horta East Timor’s foreign minister.
Tempe is a regular spokesperson for Fretilin dissidents and was interviewed for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation by Karon Snowdon on March 28.
The Southeast Asian Times

Horta-nia protejidu diplomátiku akuzadu ho tormentu-seksuál (tipu
abuzu seksuál ida)

CAPTION: Timor-Leste nia Embaixadór ida uluk-liu ba Austrália, Jorge
da Conceição Teme, iha liña-oin, númeru tolu hosi karuk, hafoin
aprezenta ninia kredensiál iha Camberra iha fulan Maiu tinan 2003.
"Fretilin Mudança" nia portavóz prinsipál ne'e, ne'ebé apoia hela
José Ramos-Horta nia kandidatura ba prezidente iha ninia rain, hetan
akuzasaun iha Tribunál Majistradu Federál, iha Darwin, ho tormentu-

Darwin, Abríl 2: Timor-Leste nia Embaixadór ida uluk liu no mós
portavóz prinsipál ba "Fretilin Miudança," ne'ebé apoia hela José
Ramos-Horta iha eleisaun prezidensiál iha ninia rain, Jorge da
Conceição Teme, hetan akuzasaun ho tormentu-seksuál kontra feto-
klosan oan ida ne'ebé uluk servisu iha Embaixada Timor-Leste nian iha

Margarida de Araújo-nia keixa ne'e - Australiana ida ho desendénsia
Timór-oan nian ne'ebé iha otas 20 resin, no agora parese hela iha
Brisbane - foufoun atu hetan haring hosi Juís Stewart Brown iha
Tribunál Majistradu Federál iha Darwin iha loron 5 fulan Jullu tinan
kotuk, maibé adia tiha dala rua, foin agora maka marka filafali ba
loron 23 fulan Maiu tinan 2007 atu hetan desizaun.

Ema hatete katak Margarida de Araújo uluk servisu hanesan asistente
administrativa iha Embaixada Timor-Leste nian iha Camberra iha tinan
2004 ka 2005 bainhira Teme se nu'udár embaixadór no José Ramos-Horta
sei ministru negósius estranjeiru.

Teme maka ko'alia beibeik hanesan portavóz ba disidente Fretilin nian
no hetan ona entrevista hosi Karon Snowdon ba Australian Broadcasting
Coorportation iha loron 28 fulan Marsu.

hosi The Southeast Asian Timae
Horta’s diplomatic protege accused of sexual harassment

CAPTION: East Timor’s first Ambassador to Australia, Jorge da Conceição Teme, front row third from left, after presenting credentials in Canberra in May 2003. The principal spokesperson for “Fretilin Mudanca,” or Fretilin Reform, which is supporting Jose Ramos Horta in his country’s presidential election, has been accused in the Federal Magistrates Court, Darwin, of sexual harassment

Darwin, April 2: East Timor’s first ambassador to Australia and principal spokesperson for “Fretilin Mudanca,” or Fretilin Reform, which is supporting Jose Ramos Horta in his country’s presidential election, Jorge Da Conceicao Teme, has been accused of sexual harassment by a young woman who worked at Dili’s embassy in Canberra.
The complaint by Margarida de Araujo — an Australian of Timorese desHorta’s diplomatic protege accused of sexual harassmentcent who is in her 20s and is now believed to live in Brisbane — was originally to have been heard by Federal Court Magistrate Stewart Brown in Darwin on July 5 last year but after two adjournments has now been
scheduled for a decision on May 23, 2007.
Margarida de Araujo is reported to have been an administrative assistant at the East Timor embassy in Canberra in either 2004 or 2005 when Teme was ambassador and Jose Ramos Horta East Timor’s foreign minister.
Tempe is a regular spokesperson for Fretilin dissidents and was interviewed for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation by Karon Snowdon on March 28.
The Southeast Asian Times

Horta-nia protejidu diplomátiku akuzadu ho tormentu-seksuál (tipu
abuzu seksuál ida)

CAPTION: Timor-Leste nia Embaixadór ida uluk-liu ba Austrália, Jorge
da Conceição Teme, iha liña-oin, númeru tolu hosi karuk, hafoin
aprezenta ninia kredensiál iha Camberra iha fulan Maiu tinan 2003.
"Fretilin Mudança" nia portavóz prinsipál ne'e, ne'ebé apoia hela
José Ramos-Horta nia kandidatura ba prezidente iha ninia rain, hetan
akuzasaun iha Tribunál Majistradu Federál, iha Darwin, ho tormentu-

Darwin, Abríl 2: Timor-Leste nia Embaixadór ida uluk liu no mós
portavóz prinsipál ba "Fretilin Miudança," ne'ebé apoia hela José
Ramos-Horta iha eleisaun prezidensiál iha ninia rain, Jorge da
Conceição Teme, hetan akuzasaun ho tormentu-seksuál kontra feto-
klosan oan ida ne'ebé uluk servisu iha Embaixada Timor-Leste nian iha

Margarida de Araújo-nia keixa ne'e - Australiana ida ho desendénsia
Timór-oan nian ne'ebé iha otas 20 resin, no agora parese hela iha
Brisbane - foufoun atu hetan haring hosi Juís Stewart Brown iha
Tribunál Majistradu Federál iha Darwin iha loron 5 fulan Jullu tinan
kotuk, maibé adia tiha dala rua, foin agora maka marka filafali ba
loron 23 fulan Maiu tinan 2007 atu hetan desizaun.

Ema hatete katak Margarida de Araújo uluk servisu hanesan asistente
administrativa iha Embaixada Timor-Leste nian iha Camberra iha tinan
2004 ka 2005 bainhira Teme se nu'udár embaixadór no José Ramos-Horta
sei ministru negósius estranjeiru.

Teme maka ko'alia beibeik hanesan portavóz ba disidente Fretilin nian
no hetan ona entrevista hosi Karon Snowdon ba Australian Broadcasting
Coorportation iha loron 28 fulan Marsu.

hosi The Southeast Asian Timae
Horta’s diplomatic protege accused of sexual harassment

CAPTION: East Timor’s first Ambassador to Australia, Jorge da Conceição Teme, front row third from left, after presenting credentials in Canberra in May 2003. The principal spokesperson for “Fretilin Mudanca,” or Fretilin Reform, which is supporting Jose Ramos Horta in his country’s presidential election, has been accused in the Federal Magistrates Court, Darwin, of sexual harassment

Darwin, April 2: East Timor’s first ambassador to Australia and principal spokesperson for “Fretilin Mudanca,” or Fretilin Reform, which is supporting Jose Ramos Horta in his country’s presidential election, Jorge Da Conceicao Teme, has been accused of sexual harassment by a young woman who worked at Dili’s embassy in Canberra.
The complaint by Margarida de Araujo — an Australian of Timorese desHorta’s diplomatic protege accused of sexual harassmentcent who is in her 20s and is now believed to live in Brisbane — was originally to have been heard by Federal Court Magistrate Stewart Brown in Darwin on July 5 last year but after two adjournments has now been
scheduled for a decision on May 23, 2007.
Margarida de Araujo is reported to have been an administrative assistant at the East Timor embassy in Canberra in either 2004 or 2005 when Teme was ambassador and Jose Ramos Horta East Timor’s foreign minister.
Tempe is a regular spokesperson for Fretilin dissidents and was interviewed for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation by Karon Snowdon on March 28.
The Southeast Asian Times

Horta-nia protejidu diplomátiku akuzadu ho tormentu-seksuál (tipu
abuzu seksuál ida)

CAPTION: Timor-Leste nia Embaixadór ida uluk-liu ba Austrália, Jorge
da Conceição Teme, iha liña-oin, númeru tolu hosi karuk, hafoin
aprezenta ninia kredensiál iha Camberra iha fulan Maiu tinan 2003.
"Fretilin Mudança" nia portavóz prinsipál ne'e, ne'ebé apoia hela
José Ramos-Horta nia kandidatura ba prezidente iha ninia rain, hetan
akuzasaun iha Tribunál Majistradu Federál, iha Darwin, ho tormentu-

Darwin, Abríl 2: Timor-Leste nia Embaixadór ida uluk liu no mós
portavóz prinsipál ba "Fretilin Miudança," ne'ebé apoia hela José
Ramos-Horta iha eleisaun prezidensiál iha ninia rain, Jorge da
Conceição Teme, hetan akuzasaun ho tormentu-seksuál kontra feto-
klosan oan ida ne'ebé uluk servisu iha Embaixada Timor-Leste nian iha

Margarida de Araújo-nia keixa ne'e - Australiana ida ho desendénsia
Timór-oan nian ne'ebé iha otas 20 resin, no agora parese hela iha
Brisbane - foufoun atu hetan haring hosi Juís Stewart Brown iha
Tribunál Majistradu Federál iha Darwin iha loron 5 fulan Jullu tinan
kotuk, maibé adia tiha dala rua, foin agora maka marka filafali ba
loron 23 fulan Maiu tinan 2007 atu hetan desizaun.

Ema hatete katak Margarida de Araújo uluk servisu hanesan asistente
administrativa iha Embaixada Timor-Leste nian iha Camberra iha tinan
2004 ka 2005 bainhira Teme se nu'udár embaixadór no José Ramos-Horta
sei ministru negósius estranjeiru.

Teme maka ko'alia beibeik hanesan portavóz ba disidente Fretilin nian
no hetan ona entrevista hosi Karon Snowdon ba Australian Broadcasting
Coorportation iha loron 28 fulan Marsu.

hosi The Southeast Asian Timae
Agora ema sira nee supporta fali ona Horta entaun Fretilin mos barani ona fosai informasaun ida nee hodi diskredit sira. Sira sai ona ema aat tamba la fo apoio ba Fretilin Maputo. Agora Fretilin Maputo buka atu ke'e sai novidades aat kona ba ema sira nee.

Keta haluha kazu subornu Mari Alkatiri nian nebe involve kompania Oceanic ho Conoco nian mos agora loke fila fali ona iha Tribunal distrital iha Texas. Karik ida nee moos persija fo sai ba publiku.

Geta Lolo! interssante heh... Fretilin agora gosta uza tactica halu "Character Assasination" ba ninia opositores sira nebe la gosta sira. Invez de buka desafia ema nia ideias ou programa politica, sira buka mak ke'e sai ema nia vida privada/particular. Ida ne'e ami iha foho ne'e mai bolu dehan " Politica barata!"

Notas barak katak Fretilin nia laran mos barak mak iha fraqueza, bulak feto, lanuten, vigarista, trafico diamante, koruptor, sst, maibe ema lakohi foti buat aat sira ne'e tanba, ami ema foho nia oan biar beik karik ba, maibe ami hatene respeita ema nia dignidade humana.

Ba simpatizante Fretilin sira...Halu favor hatudu imi nia classe katak imi partidu boot e iha capacidade atu desafia ema seluk ho ideias ho programas politicas, LABELE USA MASSA JUVENIL iha fatin2 hudi ameaca ema seluk. Kobarde mak hatudu atitude hanesan ne'e! Timor nunca bele la'o ba oin ho atitude negativu ida ne'e.

Loi Rubi
Noto a falta de profissionalismo dos medias internacionais em relação á cobertura das campanhas dos mais diverso candidatos áo cargo mais elevado da Nação. Se fizer uma análise e visitar os servicos electronicos da Lusa, Publico, etc, poderá reparar para além do Horta e do Lu Olo, mal falam dos outros seis candidatos

O que disse ontem em relacção á partida do Horta em relação á ida ao Oe-Cussi não é brincdeira do 1 de Abril. Ele alugou o barco ( uncico transporte publico para Oe Cussi) só para ele e sua delegação. Os outros candidatos ficaram sem transporte para poderem levar os seus delegados. O Horta vai dizer que teve 300 pessoas, o qeu é possivel com mais de metade levado de Melbourne. Aliás a sua equipa de campanha optou nos ultimos dias por levar gentes de outros districtos para encher os comicios. O mesmo faz o Lu Olo que anda com mais de 30 camionetas com os seus apoiantes de distrito para distrito.
Isso torna-se vergonhoso e os medias estrangeiros ainda não deram por isso.( ou fazem em como não deram por isso). A Lusa tem-se portado mal nesse aspecto e tenho pena dos dinheiros dos impostos do portugueses que está a ser gasto numa organização com jornalistas que não estão á altura da Organisação. As campanhas de João Carrascalão e Fernando La Sama têm sido os melhores e nem um linha sobre isso vejo na Lusa.

Em relaçõ aos medias locais, nem vale a pena comentar porque infelizemente esses pouco podem fazer.

Eu estive em Manatuto para ver e ouvir os discursos dos comissios dos candidatos João Carrascalao, Lucia Lobato, Fernando La Samana e Lu Olo. Destes quatro quem mais atraiu a população foi o João Carrascalao e logo a seguir o La Sama . O da Lucia Lobato foi fraco. O do Lu Olo da Fretilin teve mais gente de fora doque local. Observem as fotografias e digam se nãohá muitas caras repetida na fotos.

Em Liquiça, sem qualquer comparação quem atraiu mais gente foi João Carrascalão, seguido de Ramos Horta. O Lu Olo da Fretilin também teve gente mas muito desordeiro, e tumultuoso( francamente não gostei).

Em Suai, a Fretilin juntou mais população, seguido da Lucia Lobato e depois Joao Carrascalao. O Carrascalao na anterior em Suai conseguiu juntar o triplo do pessoas que foi ao de Lucia Lobato, esse ajuntamento foi uma actividade tradicional de LULIK para o qual acorreu muito povo pelo que no dia seguinte não foram, até porrque de acordo com o que li nos varios blogs o dono das camionetas, Lino Lopes recusou-se a alugar ao pessoal de João Carrascalao dizendo que os mesmos estavam já reservados, facto que se verificou não ser verdade porque á hora do Comissio as camionetas estavam no mesmo sitio e ai ficaram o tempo todo, donde se depreende que foi um boicote.

Em Maliana , a Fretilin diz ter juntado 8 mil pessoas. O La Sama atraiu cerca de 7 mil e o Joao Carrascalão 19 mil pessoas.

Ora devo realçar que o Povo mesmo nao sendo apoiante de a b ou c, vai aos varios comicios porque querem ouvir todos os candidatos com o fim de ficar a saber o que todos tem a oferecer.

Baseado no disse acho que esses comentarios por ai a dizerem que o Lu Olo ou Horta ja ganharam é prematuro...a não ser que p resultdao ja "pre- package"!

Manecas ( de Fatu Hada)
O naokten do Joao Carrascalao a juntar gente... ja em 75 se dizia o mesmo... as pessoas apareciam nos eventos organizados da udt diziam: "husik ami ba han naan, hemu lai tua, wainhira too votasaun ami vota ba FRETILIN!!
Se o Manecas acredita no que diz devia apresentar fotografias ou videos dos "comicios" do Joao Carrascalao!

Lu-Olo will be the next president if he wins without having second round election.
Lu-Olo is the strongest candidate so far as the opposition are not focusing together. Horta is the weakest candidate because he has no party, but he is a figure with strong image.
If no one wins by 50%+1 out of total voters, there will be second round election, if it happens, a chance for Lu-Olo to be the next president would be difficult.

Horta will be next president if he made trough to second round, unless he would have no option. Lasama or Lucia will be the next president if one of them qualified to second round against Lu-Olo, because the opposition will vote for either of them.

Joao, Tilman, Coelho, and Xavier do not have the same probability as Lu-Olo, Horta, Lucia, and Lasama.

Lets wait and see..
Viva Demokrasia,
Geta Lolo!
Hoje foi a vez dos comicios em Oe-Cussi. O Candidato Ramos Horta alugou o unico transporte publico para o Oe-Cussi. só para ele O barco nãosó tranportou a si mas transportou os seus apoiantes para fazer numero em Oe-Cussi.
Os outros foram de helipetero. Dois ehlicopteros foram postos a dsiposiçao para levar uns quatro ou cinco elementos de apoio a cada candidato porque os hilicopteros eram de 10 lugares cada um .

O Horta apesar de ter enchido o barco com os seus apoiantes não conseguiu juntar 300 pessoas ( metade eram de Dili).

O Lu-Olo diz que juntouo 12.500 pessoas, mas isso foi um grade exagero de acordo com os observadores interacionais . Joao Carrascalao junou ai um 1.000 pessoas, dois quais todos os chefes de aldeia. De acordo com os observadores o Lasama na totalidade deve ter juntado cerca de 2.500 pessoas.

As apostas ja estao nas mesas. Uns dizem que para a segunda volta sera La Sama-Lu Olo, outros, talvez a maioria diz La Sama - Joao Carrascalao.

Se for La Sama Luo Olo, todos os outros candidatos nao apurados darao os seus votos ao La Sama e Lu Olo vai perder. Se for La Sama /Carrascalao entao vai ser mais dificil porque Quem vai dar o voto a quem? Já não há o perigo da Fretilin Lu Olo que a maioria que ver pelas costas...Quem entao sera o vencedor ?: Teremos que fazer uma grande analise e ver o padrao das alianças que poderão parecer. Ai é que vai ser dificil...

Manecas (de Fatu Hada)
8 more days will know what is happening in the elections. I think you all going to have a very big surprise. There will second round and that will Joao Carrascalao and Fernando La Sama. Joao e far more experient than La Sama who is Lu Olo's and FRETILIN the biggest enemy. The votes will be divided and the question is Who is giving votos to whom...Wait and See ...
Joao has no chance of making it to the second round. Don't even dream about it.

It's very likely that he has been trying really hard to promote himself for the past few years through the Olympic Commitee but there is no way on this world he could have gathered nearly enough support to even make it past the first round.

His leadership of UDT has literally blown the party into oblivion and insignificance and his time as president of CON has been marked by much controversy and public discontentment.

I suspect the Timorese are fed up with the old guard from 1975 and would probably be looking at new blood.

That's my opinion but let's wait and see.
The people will decide and let the best candidate win.
Mari e Luolo said at the lasr rally in Dili that "fretilin is a tsunami" once again demonstrating a total lack of human sensitivity given that "tsunamis" are better known for the death and destruction they cause on innocent people.

I suppose such statements fit well with similar statements that enphasise on a destructive force of some sort proferred by fretilin leaders in the past.

This is very much a reflection on their frames of mind and just adds to the argument that they must not be in positions of power.

In any case, there is a possibility that this so called "tsunami" might end up revealing itself as nothing more than a mere wave not deserving a surfer's second look.

I advise readers to go to "YouTube" and doing a search with the word "fretilin" and you'll find 4 videos. (you would think they are using the best footage).

We can immediately see for ourselves that Fretilin's "official" estimates are very far from the reality.

In special, the video for the Liquica rally shows a crowd of not many more than 500 although Fretilin claims to have had 3000 people. The same can be said for the other videos when compared to the respective estimates from fretilin.

See for yourselves.

Likewise the final rally in Dili was said by Fretilin to have gathered more than 30,000 people when security sources estimate more than 6000. There is a huge gap in the estimates and I wonder who is telling the truth. Fretilin who wants to claim a "tsunami" or the security sources who have nothing to gain or loose either way?

In any case estimates are just estimates but the final results will not lie.

Let's calmly await the results.
My prediction: Lu Olo will win the most votes in the first round, but fail to obtain the necessary 51% to avoid a run off. Horta or Lasama will come second. It is too close to call between the two. If Horta comes second he will win on the second ballot defeating Lu Olo. If Lasama comes in second he will face Lu Olo in a very bitter struggle between the two largest parties in the country - PD and FRETILIN in a highly partisan struggle for a position which should be non-partisan. It became partisan due to Xanana playing games. Now Timor will reap the whirlwind and it will be a toss up between Lu Olo and Lasama. Either could win. It bodes poorly for the political siituation after the Parliamentary elections which will be a real struggle between FRETILIN and Xanana/CNRT-PD/PSD/ASDT/UNDERTIM.... GHOST
It very well accepted by now that if Luolo fails to secure an outright victory at the first round he will be defeated on the second round.

This is because Luolo's opponent (whoever that may be) will pickup the votes from the other candidates.
The East Timorese People just do not learn the lesson. Whem there is a debate, they mix debate with gossip, gelosy, negativism. they do never see the strenght of any one, specially from those who opose to their point of vews.

If one person praise another person, the dabate does not arise positivel , such us comparing the polices of various candidates.

I sometime fil shame with some of my compatriot say publicly.....

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My final selection, and surely few will question this one, is a certain Dennis Law. 'The King' or the 'Lawman' as he was affectionately known played for Manchester United between 1962 and 1973. During that time he played for United a total of 409 times, scoring an impressive 237 goals. Law won European Footballer of the year in 1965, during a season in which he top-scored for Manchester Utd with 28 and helped them to win their first league title since Munich.. [url=]man utd vs[/url] With this as background, United is probably the more popular of the two Manchester football teams, wouldn’t you think? Such may not be the case as there has been a long-standing belief that Manchester City actually has more local fans than their more famous namesakes. A few years ago, a Manchester University research study discovered that Manchester United has 9,000 season ticket holders in the M postal area compared to Manchester City’s 7,000 season ticket holders. City fans quickly pointed out, though, that the research study was conducted before the City team moved to the larger City of Manchester stadium. As a result, no one is really sure which team is more popular among the locals. What is certain is that as far as nationwide and international support is concerned, United has a far larger fan base than City. [url=]michael carrick[/url] Back in the Newton Heath era, the kits were made up of yellow and green stitched sections (1878 - 1892), and looked a bit like a jockey's silks. Some additional colour schemes were also employed such as a red and white shirt (1892-1894) paired with blue shorts. This all changed in 1902 when the club changed its name to Manchester United, the club radically altered the kit colours to red shirts, white shorts and black socks. This colour palette has been the foundation of the home strip ever since. The away strip is white jerseys, black shorts and white socks however different looks to this strip have existed. The most notorious of these was the all-grey strip employed in the 1995-1996 campaign. The club did not win a single game when sporting the grey shirts. The team were vociferous in their claims that the drab colour meant they had difficulty seeing their team-mates, hence passes were being sprayed all over the pitch! Another variation was the all-black kit used in 1994 and 2003. There is also a "Third Strip". This shirt which is not often used, is an homage to the kit worn when the club won the 1968 European Cup. The team has occasionally used the strips employed for training sessions in actual matches although this has been a rare occurence.
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Step-by-step Guide: How to convert videos to Apple TV format.
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Profile list:
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Both women and men can feel the difficulties of maintaining their clothing up-to-date and in time, yet men's style usually feels a lot simpler. Of program, for both sexes, clothes and fashion options could be equally as elaborate, and there are numerous'fashionable'items which could rapidly become fashion faux pas - who is able to say they often see people walking around in 70s flames? On the other hand, men's fashion includes a few choice items which will exist forever - which man is planning to keep an eye out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Pick basic pieces, colours and materials and you'll never seem out-of-place.

Why traditional men's fashion is timeless

The common man's suit has barely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are many varieties for various events, but they are all common in their pursuit of a clever, sharp try to find the individual. The great thing about common fashion for men is that it's effortlessly trendy effectively neat. A well-groomed gentleman can typically look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this is a testament to the design of such clothing. A match will be used to work in many jobs due to the professional search it affords to the person, instilling a feeling of respect and trust. Similarly a match will undoubtedly be utilized to many social situations, like a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This amazing versatility which allows suits to be worn in almost all functions is what gives it its eternal edge and a permanent place in men's fashion.

Contemporary movements in traditional men's fashion

Though basic men's designs can never be replaced, it's interesting to observe that shifts in men's fashion trends have produced certain traditional garments back into fashion. The recognition of vintage clothing, particularly, has brought back a wide-variety of basic types into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to reference men who clothe themselves in a classic yet extravagant way, placing importance on appearance and working in a sophisticated method. This pattern for nearly'over-the-top'classic fashion for men is evident from events such as the'Tweed Run', wherever men and girls of all ages clothe themselves in particularly Victorian-style attire and take to the roads on vintage cycles - with many of the men sporting perfect mustaches! This really is just one of many types of proof exhibiting the revival of such designs. There are also numerous blogs online which give attention to gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as whole websites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in providing articles on classic men's fashion and grooming.

In conclusion, though specific areas of traditional men's fashion may be cut back as new styles, the simple outfits that they derive from will never slip out of fashion.

"All it requires really are a few basic outfits. And there's one secret - the simpler the better." - Cary Grant

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