Thursday, January 11, 2007
Yet another response for Fitun Lotuk Lemorai
The comment above (by Fitun Mutin Lemorai) is just a lot of bull shit.
The international independent investigators did not find eny evidence of Mari Alkatiri giving orders to distribute the weapons and even less to kill his political opponents. Only in your wildest and frustrated dreams can you come up with such allegation which have been dismissed by an international panel. Yesterday even Railos denied that Alkatiri ever gave him such orders.
But apparently your good friend Alfredo Reinado, the self declared defender of truth and justice and defender of the peope (you would have to ask where he was hiding when Indonesia massacred East Timor for 25 years) wasn't very happy when he visited Ermera on Monday. Some people there (ten or less, drunk or sober, but unhappy citizens nevertheless voicing their discontent) rallied against his presence. And what did Alfredo do? He arrested a village chief and a number of other people from Aiphu and questioned them why they protested against him. This he did while a rebel soldier fighting against a supposedly dictatorial and oppressive government. Can you immagine if Alfredo had been the head or the army or even worse the head of the government? And where did Alfredo learn all this? Indonesia and then Australia. So typical.
And for people like you, the neo-colonial minded anglophiliacs, only in your twisted little mind can you even suggest that Timor would be better become a protectorate of the US and Australia. Look at what the US did in the Philippines? A toxic waste dumpsite and then a country marred with decades of dictatorship. The Philippinos finally liberated themselves from the dictatorship and also the US bases there. Good on them.
Protectorate of Australia? Like the PNGs? Like the Aborigines?
Look at all the former Anglo-Australian colonies in the South Pacific. What became of them? Is this what you want East Timor to be?
Ofcourse you do because you are like one of those people who stand to gain the most if East Timor became a protectorate of Australia or the US. Here in Australia I see many wealthy and successful Aborigines. But these people are in the small minority and claim to represent the Aborigines. In fact the vast majority of the Aboriginal communities here in Australia live in states worse than many third world countries. Yes. It would be good if Timor became a protectorate of Australia, but only good for you and not the East Timorese.
I know people like you who have a lot of miconception and preconceptions but always refuse to have some self reflection and self correction. You are probably educated in the English speaking culture and you think you are the best in the world. Look around you. All of the countries that speak English are miserable debt ridden third world countries which are continually exploited by their English speaking mentor countries like UK, USA and Australia.
Yes these people like Alkatiri and others have been living in Africa for a long time. But you also forgot that your good friend Ramos-Horta and Jose Luis Guterres have also once been Africans. Your friend Ramo-Horta actually belted a child near his Areia Branca mantion just a few days ago. So much for a Noble laureate.
You say Alkatiri and the rest brought in the worst from Africa. I say that thanks to their experience in Africa, they brought East Timor towards more independence than ever. I am proud for the fact that East Timor is among the few countries, though poor, has no debt. If these people had been corrupts and copied their friends in Africa, the first thing they would do would be to get loans from all over the place to embezzle the money. I have no doubt that Alfredo, the Australian trained soldier, or people like you, would do things like these much like your friends in the English speaking Africa and South Pacific. I am also proud of the fact that Alkatiri because of his vision negotiated successfully for East Timor's rights to the Timor Sea resources under the circumstances. And where did he learn all this? Africa? Who cares?
So the trial or Rogerio Lobato is going on and slowly truth is beginning to emmerge. In the past Railos had been interviewed by sympathetic journalists who only asked questions for their own conviniences. Now people like Railos are being grilled in a court of law and are exposing themselves of how deceitful they have been. Railos has denied that he received the order to distribute weapons directly from Alkatiri, something which he has always maintained and used in the ABC 4 Corners program to deepen the crisis in East Timor. Soon Alfredo will also have to appear in court. This proves that Railo is a layer if not working under someone's order. But I don't think he will because he is a coward, just like the way he made the surprise attack against the F-FDTL soldiers in Fatu Ahi.
The independent investigation has dismissed the allegations that the weapons distribution was for the purpose of eliminating political opponents. But the investigators also found that weeks before the crises, police weapons have been transferred to three key locations, in Ermera, Aileu and Liquisa.
What does this prove if not a planned attack to force the government out? That sections of the police force is in cahoots to stage a coup? If I was Rogerio Lobato who lost the confidence in the police force and in Paulo Martins and I discovered that the police was moving guns around, what would I do? I would exactly that. I would arm a militia to protect the government. And this is Rogerio Lobato's defense today and it is legal under East Timor's law. Unfortunately for Rogerio Lobato, he trusted a crook like Railos.
As for Taur Matan Ruak. I have nothing else to say except that this man is a living hero. For a man who spent most of his adulthood fighting an army in the bush deserves nothing but my utmost admiration. For a man his size, he stands taller than Xanana and Horta put together. This man truly has charisma that is why he was able to prevent the F-FDTL from reacting any further which could have caused much more bloodshed. Taur Matan Ruak for president and you will see East Timor finally head towards some good sense and finally independence. Under Xanana Republic, East Timor has become the example of a Banana Republic. Taur Matan Ruak for President.
Fitun Mutin